CMMI Approach by Tricubes

Business Jul 16, 2018

What is CMMI? A model for optimizing development processes

The Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) is a process and behavioural model that helps organizations streamline process improvement and encourage productive, efficient behaviours that decrease risks in software, product and service development.
 The CMMI was developed by the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University as a process improvement tool for projects, divisions or organizations. The DoD and U.S. Government helped develop the CMMI, which is a common requirement for DoD and U.S. Government software development contracts. The CMMI is currently administered by the CMMI Institute, which was purchased by the ISACA in 2016.
Tricubes is appraised to CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) Maturity Level 3. CMMI is a process improvement approach that provides organizations with the essential elements of effective processes, which will improve their performance. CMMI models are collections of best practices that help organizations to improve their processes. These models are developed by product teams with members from industry, government, and the Software Engineering Institute (SEI).

Get to Know Tricubes’ Team

Tricubes has a highly skilled software development team with a track record of delivering enterprise-class solutions. The software projects adhere to the organization’s standard processes based on CMMI Level 3. They strictly follow the software development lifecycle to ensure results are in accordance with the Client’s requirements and specifications, taking into account the Client’s business objectives. These cycles include requirements development, design, development, testing, deployment and testing.

  • Requirement Analysis
  • Design
  • Development
  • Testing
  • Deployment
  • Maintenance

Tricubes software team is continuously updating the latest technology skill-sets, acquiring solid experiences in wide-range of industries and businesses in order to provide the best solutions and services to fit our clients’ needs. Combination of skills, experience, processes, focus and commitment is the recipe for  Tricubes to become a leading technology solution provider in the country.

Read more about Tricubes CMMI approach here:

tricubes cmmi

What is CMMI?

The Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) is a process and behavioural model that helps organizations streamline process improvement and encourage productive, efficient behaviours that decrease risks in software, product and service development.

The CMMI was developed by the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University as a process improvement tool for projects, divisions or organizations. The DoD and U.S. Government helped develop the CMMI, which is a common requirement for DoD and U.S. Government software development contracts. The CMMI is currently administered by the CMMI Institute, which was purchased by the ISACA in 2016.

CMMI model

The CMMI starts with an appraisal process that evaluates three specific areas: process and service development, service establishment and management, and product and service acquisition. It’s designed to help improve performance by providing businesses with everything they need to consistently develop better products and services.

But the CMMI is more than a process model; it’s also a behavioural model. Businesses can use the CMMI to tackle the logistics of improving performance by developing measurable benchmarks, but it can also create a structure for encouraging productive, efficient behaviour throughout the organization.

Evolution of CMMI

The CMMI was developed to combine multiple business maturity models into one framework. It was born from the Software CMM model developed between 1987 and 1997. CMMI Version 1.1 was released in 2002, followed by Version 1.2 in 2006 and Version 1.3 in 2010; V1.3 is currently being replaced by V2.0, which will be released in phases starting March 2018.

In its first iteration as the Software CMM, the model was tailored to software engineering. The latest version of CMMI is more abstract and generalized, allowing it to be applied to hardware, software and service development across every industry.

Every iteration of the CMMI aims to be easier for businesses to understand and use than the last, and each model is designed to be more cost-effective and easier to integrate or deploy. It encourages businesses to focus on quality over quantity by establishing benchmarks for vetting vendors and suppliers, identifying and resolving process issues, minimizing risk and building a corporate culture that will support the CMMI model.

CMMI maturity levels

The CMMI model breaks down organizational maturity into five levels. For businesses that embrace CMMI, the goal is to raise the organization up to level 5, the “optimizing” maturity level. Once businesses reach this level, they aren’t done with the CMMI. Instead, they focus on maintenance and regular improvements.

CMMI’s five maturity levels are:

  • Initial: Processes are viewed as unpredictable and reactive. At this stage, “work gets completed but it’s often delayed and over budget.” This is the worst stage a business can find itself in — an unpredictable environment that increases risk and inefficiency.
  • Managed: There’s a level of project management achieved. Projects are “planned, performed, measured and controlled” at this level, but there are still a lot of issues to address.
  • Defined: At this stage, organizations are more proactive than reactive. There’s a set of “organization-wide standards” to “provide guidance across projects, programs and portfolios.” Businesses understand their shortcomings, how to address them and what the goal is for improvement.
  • Quantitatively managed: This stage is more measured and controlled. The organization is working off quantitative data to determine predictable processes that align with stakeholder needs. The business is ahead of risks, with more data-driven insight into process deficiencies.
  • Optimizing: Here, an organization’s processes are stable and flexible. At this final stage, an organization will be in ca onstant state of improving and responding to changes or other opportunities. The organization is stable, which allows for more “agility and innovation,” in a predictable environment.

Once organizations hit levels four and five, they are considered high maturity, where they are “continuously evolving, adapting and growing to meet the needs of stakeholders and customers.” That is the goal of the CMMI: To create reliable environments, where products, services and departments are proactive, efficient and productive.

By admin