Month: July 2019

Shaves2U評介:属于高品质剃須品牌的新革命- Shaves2U台湾

前2幾月,走過商場被一個行銷人員攔下非得向我推薦他們的剃須刀試用裝。這一看剛好是我的必備用品,而試用裝才台幣150,叫Shaves2U台湾 。 回到家中拿來剃須後,發現還挺喜歡這款產品的,所以今天向​​大家做个Shaves2U評介和介紹這個品牌。










Shaves2U評論 總體上来说是很好。感覺上剃須後皮膚非常潔淨,可能這品牌有非常深層徹底的剃除,潤滑條上的保濕劑的設計也非常有效。



Child Safety Seat: Are parents aware of their use?

Last few months, a two-month-old baby was believed to have been thrown from his mother’s lap as he and his three other family members were involved in an accident on Rim-Nyalas Road, Jasin, Malacca. The boy was pronounced dead on the way from Jasin Hospital to Malacca Hospital due to a serious injury sustained in the accident.

According to sources, the baby was believed to have been thrown from the front passenger seat while the mother and grandmother were seriously injured including her aunt who was trapped in the driver’s side.

Most of these cases occur because infants or children are held by adult passengers and are not placed in child safety seats. When a vehicle is suddenly struck or involved in a collision, the risk for both the baby and the child being thrown out of the vehicle is considerable. Or it may hit the front or front seats, both of which can not only cause the risk of injury, even loss of life.

baby in cars in Malaysia Mitsubishi Motors Malaysia

Why is it important that you place the child in the safety seat in the vehicle?

Imagine that if the vehicle is suddenly struck or if it is being pulled over by another vehicle, the possibility of your child being thrown out of the vehicle, or at the very least, being hit on the door or dashboard, both of which are less likely to cause injury, can even be the cause of death.

According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Welfare, Women and Family Development in 2015, the use of baby / child safety seats could reduce the risk of injury or death to 70% and 54% for infants and children one to four years old. It has also been shown to reduce injury or death by 59% for children aged four to seven.

Nowadays, all the new cars in Malaysia or imported cars has ISOFIX feature where we can place and install child safety seat with ease.

Careless Attitude Leads To Fatal Consequences

Many may think, by embracing or supporting a baby / child in a vehicle by an adult passenger, is also safe for the the child. But how strong is the adult passenger’s hand to hold the child in the event of a collision? Is the adult passenger always on the alert for the accident while holding the baby tight? Unfortunately, no matter what happens in front of you, it’s hard to imagine.

Even adult passengers are also at risk of injury or death from a collision. So, what is our guarantee as an adult, that by holding and holding our little one, they will be safe even if the vehicle they are in is involved in a road accident?

The careless attitude of some Malaysian parents to the safety of their children in the vehicle is a bit alarming. In addition to the many reasons given for not wanting to buy child safety seats, they are more likely to leave the children free in the vehicle.

Love Your Child’s Live

If you love your children more than your possessions, make this sacrifice; buy a child safety chair that meets the right standards. Although it may have to cost a little higher, for the sake of your children, sacrifice accordingly.

You can train your kids from an early age to sit in a children’s safety seat in vehicle. When they are used to it, they are less likely to cause any problems including rebelling because they are ‘less free’. Deliver games, watch videos on tablets / iPads or books that are appropriate for them to enjoy on the go.